
Welcome inside our New York Showroom

- 1 min read

Get inspired! Take a tour through our New York hub in Manhattan in the heart of the Flatiron district.

Our new space in New York has been set up to accommodate several functions. First of all, as a workspace, but at the same time, it is meant to inspire customers, A&D, and dealers on how to create happy, healthy workspaces, meeting all the needs that people are requesting.

That is also the reason why we try to stay away from labeling the space as a showroom only. Rather, we use Sh’Office to reflect the multiple functions; showroom, office, hub and so on.

The setup of the space allows us to move around and to choose a place to work depending on the tasks at hand. If we need to focus, we typically spend time in the separate office while at other times, we hide out in the lounge chairs.

However, our preferred spot is meeting at the high BuzziPicNic table with a cup of coffee and a piece (or two) of Belgian chocolate. It’s the heart of the space where people can connect, gather and share ideas.

Browse through the space to discover surprising and inspirational settings for happy and healthy workspaces or come visit us at 45 W 21st Street, NY 10010 on the third floor.

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